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Designer Silks by Diana

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Inspired by famous artist's such as Van Gough, Dali and Climt, Diana Kisirauskiene is a Lithuanian born designer who specalises in silk painting techniques to creates unique garments that has a personal touch of artistic expression. Diana tell us a bit more about her designs and brand:

Tell us a bit about yourself and your brand?

My name Diana, I was born in Lithuania but now I am living in Swindon. I have been integrated in and hooked on painting since childhood. The most popular topics are flowers also Chinese art interested me too.

My biggest passion is silk painting. It is like meditation for me, I find it relaxing and really enjoy making things look beautiful.

What was it that started off your design brand?

I always liked to make some art, crafts. Once my friend kept in touch and told me that she has some silk painting kit and she wanted to create something. But she understood that it's not what she enjoyed to do and asked maybe I would like to try. And I did, I started to find more information about it and I still keep doing and more and more interested in to create something different and special, different designs, different colours, different techniques on silk.

I enjoy to see how everything coming from start to the end, how colours flow without control just watching and let it go...

What is the process of making one of your silk pieces?

At first it's idea what I want to do, what design should be then choosing type of natural silk (Ponge, Chiffon, Crepe de shine, Satin), size.

Then I stretch silk on frame, do drawing with pencil what design I decided to do. After that I do metallic contour lines follow that design and letting to dry. Then would apply wax if I use that technique and leaving to dry again. In the same time till drying I am mixing colours. When everything is dry I apply colours on design and in the end apply background too. When is everything done, leaving to dry 24 hours. Next day I need to fix colours on the silk and wash it. When is washed till is still wet need to be ironed .

What is the hardest part of using silk as design material?

To creat unique, different, bespoke design what would show my personality, my uniqueness

in my silk paintings to compare with other designers and I wish to show for people beauty of nature in art world, to feel power of colours to open hearts more deeply with art more often.

Who are your target buyers?

Each person is an artist and my painted silks could help for person who wants to express yourself in different way, be unique and feel luxurious of silk and to mix two artists together and to make each person individuality.

Describe your typical working day

I starting my morning with yoga exercises with congratulating morning sun and to balance my body and mind.

During morning coffee I am planning my day. Sometimes watching my favourite pages for an ideas on internet or books, magazines.

I promised for myself that every day to write down 5 positive thoughts, minds for myself, my family. About 2-3 nice thoughts for my friends and followers.

After some daily routine works I am going in my studio, putting nice music and looking forward for small magic when I will touch silk, mix colours what coming in mind for that day and to enjoy with process.

If you could see any celebrity wear your designs, who would it be and why?

My painted silk can be garment, interior design, accessories. Batural silk scarf can be like scarf but in the same time give the style, can be accessory on dress, wrap. Silk is natural fabric and giving not just beautiful image but and luxury warm silky touch too.

Celebrity like Charlize Theron maybe, she is very subtle type actress, she could show any type piece of art and it would suit for her.

Outside of work, what do you love to do?

I like activities in my spare time I do nail art and I try to help for ladies to express yourself with their wish and tendencies of fashion of colours, design. It's very important to me communicate with people it helps me to grow like artist. I love my family to spend time with them, I like to see new places, to meet friends and do new things what I never did before.

What would be your top tips to others wanting to start up their own brand?

I would say to have dream, to have vision of the dream and to create plan how to follow your dream. To be sure what you do.

To follow Diana's work, please visit:

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